Teer Formula for Khanapara & Shillong Teer

Teer Formula is based on Previous day’s Teer Result.
For example yesterday’s result was:


Now you take a paper and write it like: A B – X Y

Formula 1

Now calculate like:
1) A + Y & X – B
You will get 1 number.
2) Y – X & Y – B/A or Y + B/A
You will get one number.
This way you have to calculate plus & minus for all A, B, X, Y.

Keep in mind that sometimes the sum of two digits cannot exceed 9. For example, you cannot add 8 to 3 or 5 to 7. In such cases, you need to consider only the value of one digit.

Keep playing. We will continue to provide further updates on the Khanapara Teer Formula.

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